Quality in Primary Care Open Access

  • ISSN: 1479-1064
  • Journal h-index: 29
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  • Journal Impact Factor: 4.22
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International collaboration in Primary Care education: Experience in 3 continents

5th International Congress on Primary Healthcare & Family Medicine
November 29-30, 2017 Madrid, Spain

Howard Tandeter

Ben Gurion University, Israel

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Quality in Primary Care


Family Medicine (FM) has not developed in a similar way worldwide. In countries that are not primary care oriented, this discipline may be less developed because it is not a career choice option for medical graduates and will not be regarded as a required clerkship during medical school. International cooperation may assist these countries to develop FM as a discipline, include these programs in undergraduate education, and help developing primary care oriented systems. The following is a presentation on my personal international activities in three continents from different angles an perspectives. It will include a discussion on how professionals from countries with well developed FM systems may help others in their developmental process. The first part deals with the issue of language: how being a Spanish speaker from a well developed FM system became the key for my teaching activities in South America. The second deals with organization: how being a councill member of a European medical education organization in FM (EURACT) put me in a place to do research in the field an use the Leonardo Trainers Course to teach around Europe. The last part deals with my activities in Asia based on a commitment for international assisstance: this includes providing help in the development of a new primary care oriented medical school in Nepal and being a Consultant for the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan on a project of the World Bank to assist in the development of primary health training plan for doctors.

Biography :

Howard Tandeter, MD. Born in the US, studied medicine in Argentina, and now a family physician in Israel. He is coordinator of Faculty Development activities, Center for Medical Education at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.He teaches from udergraduate to CME and Faculty Development in the area of Family Medicine, both nationally and internationally. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and is editorial board member/ reviewer on 20 international journals. He acted as Consultant for the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan, a project of the World Bank on assistance to develop primary health training plan for doctors.