Quality in Primary Care Open Access

  • ISSN: 1479-1064
  • Journal h-index: 29
  • Journal CiteScore: 6.64
  • Journal Impact Factor: 4.22
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    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
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A short-term, simulation based focused abdominal sonography in trauma training for Pediatric residents

Joint Event on 29th International Conference on Pediatrics & Primary Care & 15th International Conference on Clinical Dermatology
September 23-24, 2019 Barcelona, Spain

Katz Dana Hadas

Meir Medical Center, Israel

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Qual Prim Care


Background: FAST (focused abdominal sonography in trauma) examination has been integrated into the primary assessment of the pediatric trauma patients in the ED. Now-a-days most pediatric patients are evaluated and treated primarily at the PED by PEM Physicians or Pediatric residents. Thus, the ability to perform FAST is a required skill, although it is not included in the Pediatric residency curriculum.

Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the ability of Pediatric residents to acquire the skill of performing FAST following a short, simulation based training program.

Methods: A total of 19 Pediatric residents were enrolled in this study, all without any previous experience with performing FAST. The training program consisted of a lecture, hands-on training, high fidelity simulator training and five tests performed independently during the following month. Competence was evaluated a month later by a simulator based test. Participants have also completed a questionnaire regarding their level of confidence in performing FAST examinations.

Results: 56 of 57 tests performed were interpreted correctly (98.2%). The level of participants confidence in FAST performance was increased following the training program, with a statistical significance.

Conclusions: A short simulation based training program is sufficient for obtaining the required proficiency in performing and interpreting the FAST examination among pediatric residents.

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