Acta Psychopathologica Open Access

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Dr. Jiro Suzuki

Dr. Jiro Suzuki
Director of Sannou Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology
Japanese Association of Clinical Outpatient Psychiatry and the directors of several national associations, Japan


Jiro Suzuki was born in 1936. After he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tokyo in 1961, he started his clinical and research career. He was granted PhD degree for the work ?the narcoleptic syndrome and paradoxical sleep?, by which he was awarded the excellent prize of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology in 1967.This was one of the pioneering works in sleep research in those days. He worked on the intracellular recording of a cat brainstem in the Brain Institute of the University of Tokyo. He was appointed as an instructor of the department of psychiatry. He moved to the Laboratory of Neurophysiology in the Department of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University in New York, where he worked on Ca spike in a crayfish giant axon and K channel in an electric plaque of an electric eel. In 1972 he was appointed as a chief staff of the Division of Neurophysiology in Psychiatric Research Institute of Tokyo, where he had started the research on EL mouse until 2012. During these 40 years, he was appointed Professor of neuropsychiatry in Toho University and later Clinical Professor of Psychiatry in the International University of Health and Welfare. He was elected as the chairman and director of Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology in 1998, the chairman of Japan Epilepsy Society in 2001, and nominated as a council of Japan Medical Association 1997-2000. He convened World Congress of Psychiatry Yokohama 2002 as the executive director. He was nominated as the East Asia representative and honorary staff of World Psychiatric Association from 1999-2004. At present he is the director of Sannou Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology, Japanese Association of Clinical Outpatient Psychiatry and the directors of several national associations.

Research Interest

Psychiatry and Neurology.