A retrospective observational study on determinants and outcomes of hospital acquired infections in Covid-19 patients, at a tertiary care hospital in India
Priyanka Patil
Candida auris outbreak challenges & lessons learned
Tabrikah Mohammed
'De Novo' Repurposing of Dafl on as Anti-Intestinal Parasitic Drug in Experimental Giardiasis
Gehan Labib Abuelenain
Epidemiology and antibiotic resistance profi le of bacterial meningitis in Morocco from 2015 to 2018
Youssef Ikken
Features of morphological changes in the lungs in the dynamics of the development of an experimental model of surgical sepsis
Hamdamov Sh.A
Features of the morphological picture of the wound in patients with purulent-infl ammatory soft tissues against diabetes mellitus
Shokhista Bobokulova
Impact of three antiparasitic agents against cryptosporidiosis in diabetic mice
Hagar F. Abdel-Maksoud
Initial six month's study of neonatal COVID-19 in a tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh
Maksudur Rahman
PD-1 and Tim-3 blocking dose not improve the apoptosis of leukemic cells by peripheral blood CD8+ T cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Shakiba Jafarkhani
Abolghasem Ajami, Hadi Hossein-Nataj, Mohammad Eslami-Jouybari, Maryam Ghoreishi,
Hossein Asgarian-Omran
Prediction of generalization of infection in patients with diabetes mellitus
Abdurakhmanov Fayzrakhmon Munisjon o’g’li
SMART Program: SARS-CoV-2 Mitigation Approach and Response Tactics Program: A Multidisciplinary Outbreak Strategy to fi ght against COVID-19 Pandemic
Romart Clark L. Telar
The causes of generalization of infection in patients with purulentinfl ammatory diseases of the soft tissues against diabetes mellitus
Boboev Kakhramon Xaydaraliyevich
Theraputic role of mesenchymal stem cells combined with naoparticles in controlling prognosis of hepatocellular crcinoma in murine model
Mansour WA, Kamel M, Atteia S, Hussein TA, Abdel Fattah H, Mohsen R