Boboev Kakhramon Xaydaraliyevich
Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Infec Dis Treat
To study the generalization of infection and different forms of sepsis in patients with purulent-infl ammatory diseases of soft tissues on the background of diabetes mellitus using new and traditional methods of diagnosis of sepsis. Materials and Methods: We analyzed the results of treatment of 73 patients with purulent-infl ammatory diseases of soft tissues on the background of diabetes, who received in-patient treatment in the Republican center of purulent surgery and surgical complications of diabetes mellitus of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2015-2019 for urgent reasons. Results: Procalcitonin and proinfl ammatory cytokines IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a are markers of generalization of infl ammatory process, along with signs of SIRS, having informational value. These markers can undoubtedly be used in assessing the effectiveness of the therapy and prevention of sepsis. The special feature of the course of purulent-infl ammatory diseases of soft tissues in patients with diabetes is the effacement of clinical signs of generalization. Conclusions: With the aim of objectifying the diagnostic value of these laboratory methods for the evaluation of patient’s condition the development of integrated methods is required that, in turn, will allow unifying the system of medical-diagnostic algorithm.
Boboev Kakhramon Xaydaraliyevich is assistant professor of General and Pediatric Surgery Department in Tashkent Medical Academy. He is Fellow of the Faculty of Abdominal Surgery.