Amit Rana
Trauma Surgeon, Entrepreneur, India
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Clin Pediatr Dermatol
Due to multiple factors, wound care in developing world, offers both huge opportunity as well as challenges. The sector is largely unorganised and unrecognised, with a huge gap in demand and supply for both healthcare wound-care services as well as care products. Mostly, the market is socio-economically diverse, it is important for both providers and product owners to come up with long-term strategic plans. Cost effective products (customised to local requirements) and globally produced will be a right approach. How asset light model and information technology play a great role to penetrate the services to the last mile. Organised and reverse integrated approach by providers and manufacturers can yield good commercial and clinical outcome dividends. With highest number of diabetic patients in the world, Indian market is attractive, for manufacturing, research and development, training organisations or service providers; this can be replicated in various other developing countries.