Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh
Payame Noor University and University of Applied Science and Technology, Iran
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clin Psychiatry
Statement of the Problem: Since the Sleep Disorders treatment is difficult by the chemical routine drugs; then, therapist must be thought beyond these routine treatments. Choosing Aromatherapy by some Plants considering with innate humor or, temperament of the same plants and, matching of these by patients’ innate humors or, temperaments based on Traditional Islamic-Iranian and, Chinese Medicines with combination of Hahnemann’s Classical Homeopathic Medicine Rubrics, can extract inner Miasma of the sleep disorder pathology of patients and, recover and, cure them in the best way of Neurobiological base of Cognitive Science – in the cellular base of neural control. Orientation: The method used in this research is a library analysis; therefore, after collecting information and data from the sources, using the library method, according to the subject and the problem of the present study, after the critique, the data, have been analyzed in order to explain the research problem. Findings: As sleeping is a powerful energetic compensatory behavior in creatures’ circadian living cycle – even in cold-blooded creatures, that they sleeping almost in cold season for a long time in the year, in compare with hot-blooded creatures, especially human being – and, although almost all creatures have major common points in their neurobiological themes level; but, the human being, among other creatures has his/her specifications in this theme level; why, he/she has wise, thinking, and such abilities that these separate him/her from other creatures. Thinking, as a power of wise of human, in combination with Action Potential Simulation Therapy/A.P.S.T and, odors, considering the type of food and, feeding and, based on the base humor/ temperament and, main innate miasma, affects his/her neural biology – as its secretions, neurotransmitters and, in additions, neural intracellular interactions in cellular basis – and, in psychological cognitive science basis, attitudes and, mind cognitive space; and, follow of this, sleeping has influence by these determinants. The conclusion of these cases, in reductionism base, have establish a neural control that it due to homeostasis or, balancing or, not – it means, Sleep Disorders/S.Ds. Of course, sleeping isn’t excluded of these counted cases.
Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh completed his Post–Doctorate in Psychology from USA. He completed his master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and bachelor’s Degree in General Psychology from Iran. He is full expert international faculty professorship member in the Brooklyn Central University, USA. Associate expert international faculty professorship member in the Pacific Albion University, USA & Associate expert international faculty professorship member in the Green Lake (GreenLake) University, USA.
E-mail: abdolrasoul_alizadeh@yahoo.com