Clinical Psychiatry Open Access

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Rehabilitation model in the field of addiction in Turkey: Yeşilay Consultancy Center (YEDAM)

Joint Event on 7th World Congress on Addictive Disorders & Addiction Therapy & 29th International Conference on Sleep Disorders and Psychiatry
July 16-18, 2018 London, UK

Hakan Karaman and Omer Mira�§ Yaman

Istanbul University, Turkey

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clin Psychiatry


This study was planned to develop a basic critique of YeÃ?Â?ilay Consultancy Center (YEDAM), which is working in the field of addiction treatment and rehabilitation in Turkey. In this study, which was prepared as a case study from qualitative study methods, in-depth interviews, participant observation and document analysis were used from data collection techniques. In this sense, YEDAM model was examined from the administrative and institutional structure of the model up to the professional intervention stage; the collected data were interpreted thematically and proposals for the development of the model at the end of the study were presented. Strong institutional structure, constantly supervision support, client-oriented multidisciplinary approach and community-based treatment approach were founded as important aspects of the YEDAM model in the study. Besides, including the professional social work intervention in the treatment of addiction and using experiences of ex-users highlight the model among other examples in Turkey. Because of this features, YEDAM may be developed as pioneering addiction rehabilitation model in Turkey. On the other hand, there are disadvantages for the model such as lack of qualified staff in the field, lack of cooperation among institutions and lack of medical treatment support. When considered from academic point of view, this is the first study of YEDAM in the literature. In terms of content, it is also important to prioritize contributing to the development of YEDAM by including critics and suggestions.

Biography :

Hakan Karaman has completed his undergraduate studies in Social Work Department at Yalova University in 2015; and Graduation in Social Work Department at �°stanbul University in 2017. He is a Research Assistant in Social Work Department at �°stanbul University. He has published three review papers and a book.
