Mark A K Patterson
Carilion Children��?s Clinic, USA
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clin Psychiatry
Statement of the Problem: After over a century of study, the exact function of sleep remains elusive. Despite this uncertainty, the value of adequate sleep is undeniable. This value is especially critical in a population who spend almost half of their lives asleep, during the important developmental years: children. Sleep disorders in the paediatric population are often the result of a complex interplay between numerous factors, including medical, interpersonal, and societal. Children do not often complain about sleep problems; a medical evaluation is commonly initiated by an adult caregiver whose own sleep is being impacted. In evaluating a child with a sleep problem it is critical that the clinician to be able to determine what is the sleep problem, whose problem it is, and what is the etiology of the problem. The ability of the clinician to effectively communicate their findings and recommendations to the family is also essential. Format: This presentation will provide the attendees with an overview of common paediatric sleep disorders, including insomnias, hypersomnias, and parasomnias. Case presentations will then be discussed, allowing for an open forum between the leader and participants. The discussion will focus on current recommendations for evaluation and treatment, strategies to improve clinician-parent communications, and address needs of those participating to enable them to optimize the care they provide to their patients. Conclusions & Significance: This workshop should provide the clinician with the tools necessary to better understand common paediatric sleep disorders, how to differentiate between various etiologies, and how to work effectively with families to develop treatment strategies. Recent Publications 1. Villa K F, Black J, Bujanover S, Cisternas M G, Gow M, Ohayon M M, Pasta D J, Patterson M and Thorpy M J (2017) Assessing the benefits of sodium oxybate (SXB) on functioning, productivity, and health-related quality of life in people with narcolepsy: findings from the nexus narcolepsy registry. Sleep 40(1):A241. 2. Pasta D J, Black J, Bujanover S, Cisternas M G, Gow M, Ohayon M M, Patterson M, Thorpy M J and Villa K F (2017) Factors associated with narcolepsy medication treatments and medication discontinuation rates: findings from the nexus narcolepsy registry. American Academy of Sleep Medicine 40(1):A250.
Mark A K Patterson has his interest in narcolepsy and cataplexy crystalized, when a close family member was diagnosed with the condition in 2004. Since that time, he has been active in raising awareness about the condition to his medical colleagues and general public and currently serves as the President of Narcolepsy Network. He practices as a General Pediatrician with the Carilion Clinic in Roanoke, Virginia, USA. He received his medical training from Albany (New York) Medical College with specialty education from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Prior to his medical career, he received a PhD in Biological Chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge and worked in the fledgling biotechnology industry.