Sumbul Rehman
Aligarh Muslim University, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Ped Hea Res
With the increase in lifestyle disorders as cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, arthritis etc. obesity is counted as the prime cause. So, the management of obesity by alteration in the diet can play a major role to combat the diseases. Further, various mild to moderate metabolic disorders can be managed in just by regulating the diet. It is also considered as a prime line of treatment in Unani system of medicine –Ilaj bil ghiza known as treatment by diet -Dietotherapy. Description of healthy fruits like pomegranate, figs, dates, olives, milk, honey, ginger etc. is described by various scholars in the past. Arabian physicians like Rhazes (850-923AD) “The Galen of the Arabs” improved dietetics and advised “when you can heal by diet prescribe no remedy”. Avicenna (989-1036AD) “The Persian Galen, gave much more importance to diet in sickness & health. Ketogenic diet (low carbohydrate and high-fat diet) is a diet that relies on reducing carbohydrate intake to a minimum while increasing fat intake. This induces a state of ketosis where it is hypothesized to favor fat metabolism for energy instead of carbohydrates. The diet is used to treat multiple metabolic diseases by reducing the excess weight. It is widely used in pediatric patients with seizures to control their symptoms; it gains popularity among diabetes patients to manage the glycemic control. Though some side effects are observed initially, but in the long term it is scientifically proved to help in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. The ketogenic diet is not limited to the use of saturated fats only, but the heart-healthy fats are considered as the key elements to sustain overall health. Many studies have been done to clinically evaluate the outcome of dietotherapy in various disorders. Present study will summarizes the interventional trials based on ketogenic diet for glycemic control in patients with type two diabetes. Keywords: Ketogenic, Unani system of medicine, Diabetes
Sumbul Rehman is working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology), Faculty of Unani Medicine at Aligarh Muslim University, India. Sumbul Rehman published many papers in international journals.