Journal of Infectious Diseases and Treatment Open Access

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Evaluation of different methods to determine the biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from clinical specimens

2nd Annual Congress on Antibiotics and Bacterial Infections
October 21-22,2021 | Webinar

Prof.Rastegar Lari

President of Iranian Society, For Medical Bacteriology

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Infec Dis Treat


Antibiotic resistance is one of the global worrying problems that can increase morbidity and mortality. Some antibiotic resistance mechanisms such as biofilm formation can induce resistance to different groups of antibiotics and can cause of presence Multi- Drug Resistant (MDR) strains. The aim of this study was evaluation of different methods to determine the biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa isolated from burn- wound colonization. Materials and Methods: Twenty- five P. aeruginosa collected from burn- wound colonization from Motahari hospital, Tehran, Iran. Phenotypic biofilm formation detection was done Congo red agar method and tube test. Congo red agar method: The preparation of Congo Red Agar (CRA) medium was explained previously. CRA plates were inoculated with test organisms and incubated at 375oC for 24 h aerobically. Black colonies with a dry crystalline consistency indicated biofilm production. The experiment was performed in triplicate and repeated three times. Micro-tube method: A loop full of test organisms was inoculated in 1 mL of trypticase soy broth with 1% glucose in test tubes. The micro-tubes were incubated at 37o C for 24 h. Micro-tubes were then stained with crystal violet (0.1%) after washing with phosphate buffer saline. The scoring for tube method was done according to the results of the control strains. Biofilm formation was considered in three types; i) strong, ii) moderate and iii) weak according to the mass of visible film lined the wall of micro-tubes.

Biography :

Prof. Rastegar Lari Founder of Antimicrobial Resistance Research Center President of Iranian Society for Medical Bacteriology, I am professional on surveying on antibiotic resistance mechanism, especially in gram- negative bacteria.