Pediatrics & Health Research Open Access

  • ISSN: 2574-2817
  • Journal h-index: 3
  • Journal CiteScore: 0.36
  • Journal Impact Factor: 0.77
  • Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days)
  • Average article processing time (30-45 days) Less than 5 volumes 30 days
    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
    10 and more volumes 45 days

Bilteral mediial rectii recessions as a Surgical Modality for bilateral alternating Infantile Esotropia in cases of 6 months old male twins

World Congress on Diabetes and Pediatric Endocrinology
AUGUST 20-21, 2021 Webinar

Gowhar Ahmad

Chanapora Srinagar Kashmir University of J and K, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Ped Hea Res


Squint also termed as strabimus is a common occular disorder chareterised by abnormal occular deviation loss of normal occular parallism with paucity of binocular vision which has 3 stages simaltanius percertion simultaneous fusion and strepopsis main aim.Of squint management is nirnonly to correct abnormal occular but also.To ensure normal statusvof vision as much as possible for this earky and oropmt management by tge squint expert is very impitant in past in underdevoped asian counterues squint was thought to a kind of stigma so no timeky management was undertaken till tge eye wiuld become lazy or amblyopic andvatbthat stage treatment was only cosmitic however with better education and awarness and recent subspecialities in ophtgalmoligy we have squint experts the prognosis of squint is better and satisfactory it is also impirtant for every parent to seek the advice of squint exlert if tgey ibserve any abnormal occular deviations in their chikdren in every case of squint assesment of vision mydriatic refraction and fundus examination is important since there are few icvular conditions which preeent as squint lije retinoblastoma and coats desease squint can be commitant in commitant accomodative non acvomodative parakytic non paralytic presentatiin of squint can be esotrooua exotropua hypitrioua hypertropia hetrophoria psedisquint cyclophoria orthophoria microtripia parakytic squintpresentation impiameent of occular movements diminision of vision diplopua primary angle of deviation is greater than secondry deviatiin false irietation fa false oerception abnormal head tilt ocvular tirticollis tunning the head towards the dirction of action of parakysed muscle vertigo bilteral alternating infantile esotropia presents as crossed fixation uncrossed fixation broad angle a v pattern covering the dominant neye will make the chikd to cry abuse of playing gamed by children om.Mobikes chikdren in age groups of 5 to 7nyears playing mobikes games for a lind time present as eye ache eye strian head change in behaviiyr irratability fainting vertigo abdiminal pain delayed mile stones blued vision diplopi squint even epleptic lije attacks so itbit is impitant for parents to miniter tgeir children not to abuse mobike games Key Words: Esitropia, Exotropia, Hypertropia, Hypotrpia, Hetrophoria Psedosquint Cyc Cyclophoria Microtripia Orthophoria