Quality in Primary Care Open Access

  • ISSN: 1479-1064
  • Journal h-index: 29
  • Journal CiteScore: 6.64
  • Journal Impact Factor: 4.22
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2020 Conference Announcement - (2020) Volume 28, Issue 1

Conference Announcement - 3rd World Congress on Primary Healthcare

Demet Karadenizli

Doctor, Kent Hospital, Turkey, E-mail: demetkaradenizli@hotmail.com

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Conference Announcement

Primary Care 2020 welcomes all the attendees, speakers, delegates and exhibitors from all over the globe to Dubai, UAE. We are delighted to invite you all to attend the “3rd World Congress on Primary Healthcare ” which is scheduled on London, UK in September 23-24, 2020.

Primary Care 2020 has been intended extraordinarily with a multiple of tracks to select from every healthcare field and provides you with a unique opportunity to meet up with peers from both industry and academia and form a scientific network between them. We cordially encourage all concerned people to come to join us on our occasion and make it successful by your contribution.

The conference will be organized around the Theme ‘Global Gathering for Primary Care ’ . Our goal is to deliver an outstanding program which covers the entire spectrum of research & advancement in Primary Care and share their experiences of different therapy techniques.

Primary Care 2020 is an annual report meeting of Doctors, Physicians & Healthcare organization members as well as committees to discuss the outlook of the Health care in terms of collaboration, structures and organizational growth.

Healthcare Students, Scientists, Professors, Health Care Researchers, Healthcare Faculty, Medical Doctors, Research Associates, Clinicians, Healthcare Associations and Societies, Diagnostic laboratory professionals, Business Entrepreneurs, Training Institutes, Software developing companies and many more from important academies, companies and medical research hospitals.

This Primary Care Conference offers the opportunity for many lecturers, surgeons, researchers, nurses and academics from all worldwide to join and learn the latest advances in the field of primary care and health care and to discuss on scientific knowledge in a special natural environment.

Primary Care 2020 Congress is organized with the support of OCM’s and the members of Editorial Board of the interrelated supporting Journals and aims to support healthcare experts, surgeons, clinical primary care to give the best treatment to patients with cardiology/cardiovascular diseases.

Primary Care 2020 is hope for more than 200+ Contributors to enlighten the Congress. This time the Primary Care 2020 will organize several Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations/ Networking Sessions/ Workshops/ Symposiums/ Exhibition as we have introduced some new tracks/sessions to bring in more contributors.

Primary Care 2020 gathers all the researchers directly linked with the field of healthcare along with its associated fields; which provides an knowledgeable platform for the students, professors, lecturers, speakers, scholars, researchers, consultants and industry experts to frame new network and support their knowledge.

Our main goal is to bring together scientists, young investigators, researchers and healthcare people in a broad range of academic and industry and beneficial to interactions of ideas and techniques among the research scholars.

We encourage you to stay connected during Primary Care 2020, keep us proactive and support us to shape the future of Primary Health Care.

We look forward to your enthusiastic involvement in the Primary Care 2020, as well as to welcoming you to Dubai, UAE on December 05-06, 2020.

Some of the Eminent Healthcare Professionals were the Keynote Speakers for Primary Care 2020

Joette Greenstein, Vitas Healthcare, USA

Hiroshi Bando, Tokushima University, Japan

Tamara Pecherina, Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Russia

Ignateva Lilya, Kazan State Medical University, Russia

ABE N'Doumy Noel, Alassane Ouattara University, Cote dIvoire

Demet Karadenizli, Kent Hospital, Turkey

Melissa Corinales-Lomod, Southern Philippines Medical Center, Philippines

Alejandra Martinez Maldonado, Anahuac University, Mexico

All thanks to our Media partners also for joining with us.

Crowd Reviews, Enliven Archive, Manuscript Edit, Pink Medico, Placid Way, Tabeeby, The Pharma Times and Vydya Health.

Contact Information

Julia Spinella
Program Manager | Primary Care 2020
Email: primarycare@pulsusmeet.com |
Phone: +1-408-429-2646
WhatsApp No: +44-1495-654015
Website: http://primarycare.pulsusconference.com/