Insights in Analytical Electrochemistry Open Access

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Opinion - (2022) Volume 8, Issue 5

Brief Note on Revolutionary New Bioengineering Technology
Mario Gonzalez*
Department of Chemistry, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil
*Correspondence: Mario Gonzalez, Department of Chemistry, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, Email:

Received: 31-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. IPAEI-22-14742; Editor assigned: 02-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. IPAEI-22-14742(PQ); Reviewed: 16-Sep-2022, QC No. IPAEI-22-14742; Revised: 21-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. IPAEI-22-14742(R); Published: 28-Sep-2022, DOI: 10.21767/2470-9867.22.8.24


For fundamental studies of single-cell neuronal communication, chemical messenger molecule release and reuptake, cellular imaging, and small-scale electroporation applications, electrochemistry in ultra-small environments has grown in importance. Through the writings of Galvani and then Alessandro Volta, the beginnings of bioelectrochemistry and electrochemistry are closely associated with physiology. The German physiologist Julius Bernstein’s 1902 study of the source of bio potentials caused by different ion concentrations passing through the cell wall is considered to be the first modern work in this field. Over the past century, the sector of bioelectrochemistry has expanded significantly while maintaining close ties to a number of medical, biological, and engineering fields like electrophysiology, biomedical engineering, and enzyme kinetics. Numerous Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine are given for these achievements. The revolutionary new bioengineering technology referred to as bio electrochemical systems combine the electrochemical method with microorganisms or enzymes to enhance the reducing or oxidizing metabolism.


Bio-electro-chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that straddles the fields of biochemistry, analytical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, bio-energy devices, and biosensors additionally to basic electrochemistry. The topic has numerous applications and a broad scope. However the elemental principles are the electrochemical laws. Biosensors, biofuel cells, and diagnostics are just some of the many applications of electrochemistry’s fundamental principles that we will discuss in this section. Bio electrochemical systems typically depict the processes involved in producing electric power or achieving the reducing reaction with a particular potential poised through the transfer of elecelectrons between the electron acceptor and electron donor. The design of electrochemical devices, the choice and optimization of electrode materials, and therefore the screening of electrochemically active or inactive model microorganisms have all been areas of focus for researchers. Notably, all of those methods and studies are connected to electron transfer consumption and expulsion. Thus, we elaborate on the extracellular and intracellular electron transfer, also as the speculative electron transfer mechanism, and present the elemental ideas of bio electrochemical systems. Coenzyme metabolism, intracellular energy production, and electron transfer also are examined. Finally, we speak about the potential of microbial electrochemical technologies and the applications of bio-electrochemical systems. Nanowires, electron shuttles, and modified electrodes all aim to hurry up extracellular electron transfer and strengthen the relationship between electrodes and cells. A number of electron or proton carriers, like cytochromes, ubiquinone, and various oxido-reductases, structure the intracellular electron transfer chain (ETC, also referred to as the respiratory chain). Along with the synthesis of ATP; electrons are moved within the ETC from a high potential electron donor to a coffee potential electron acceptor.


Biomedical alloys may undergo increased oxygen and water molecule reduction as results of potentials shifting catholically across the metal-oxide-electrolyte interface during tribocorrosion. Hydroxide ions and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are thought to be the byproducts of reduction. ROS generation at catholically biased alloy surfaces was directly measured with fluorescent probes developed for labelling intracellular ROSbased hydroxyl radicals (OH) and peroxide (H2O2). Bio electrochemical systems are unique systems capable of converting the chemical energy of organic waste including low-strength waste waters and lignocellulose biomass into electricity or hydrogen/ chemical products in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) or microbial electrolysis cells respectively, or other products formed at the cathode by an electrochemical reduction process. As compared to conventional fuel cells, BESs operate under relatively mild conditions, use a wide variety of organic substrates and mostly do not use expensive precious metals as catalysts.



Conflict of Interest

The author’s declared that they have no conflict of interest.

Citation: Gonzalez M (2022) Brief Note on Revolutionary New Bioengineering Technology. Insights Anal Electrochem. 8:24.

Copyright: © 2022 Gonzalez M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.