International Journal of Applied Science - Research and Review Open Access

  • ISSN: 2394-9988
  • Journal h-index: 10
  • Journal CiteScore: 2.27
  • Journal Impact Factor: 1.33
  • Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days)
  • Average article processing time (30-45 days) Less than 5 volumes 30 days
    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
    10 and more volumes 45 days
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Editorial Panel

Xiaoxing Zhang, Professor Hubei University of Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hongshan district, Wuhan city, Hubei province

Dr. Rajasekharredy Pala, Research Assistant Professor, Editor-in-Chief Chapman University, UCI, Irvine

Dr. Bilal Aydogan, Editor, Head of Department of Electrical and Energy Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey

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About the Journal


Impact Factor: 0.86*

International Journal of Applied Science-Research and Review is an open access electronic journal aiming to provide an online compendium that covers all aspects in diverse areas of Applied Science including Applied Microbiology, Applied Psychology, Agricultural Engineering, Applied Aviation Sciences, Applied Ecology, Applied Nutrition, Applied Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Business and Economics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Science, Engineering, Finance, Food Science, Geology, Healthcare System, Linguistics, Mathematics and Statistics, Medicine and Architecture, Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Nanoscience, Natural and Technological Sciences, Physics, Social Sciences, and related disciplines.

The journal accepts research articles, review articles, short communications, case study, commentary, etc

International Journal of Applied Science-Research and Review provides open access to peer reviewed research as part of its commitment to readers and authors. We make all International Journal of Applied Science-Research and Review research articles freely available online and send them directly to for archiving and indexing.

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Articles published in International Journal of Applied Science - Research and Review have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Applied Science - Research and Review has got h-index 10 , which means every article in International Journal of Applied Science - Research and Review has got 10 average citations.

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