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In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of Antiblastic Loaded Polymethyl Methacrylate (Pmma) for the Management of Bone Metastasis: a Literature Review

Giulio M


In the last decades, survivorship of metastatic patients increased so much that orthopaedic surgeons have to perform a long lasting local treatment of bone secondary lesions to improve quality of life.

The treatment has to be personalized for each patient according to tumour prognosis mainly due to histology or solitary/multiple metastases, metastatic localization, patient general conditions, previous normal or pathological ambulation.

In the secondary lower limb lesions, when general conditions and prognosis are good, surgeons have to be aggressive, performing resections and implanting prostheses to allow a quick rehabilitation program. Otherwise, they can perform a more conservative surgery by curettage and local adjuvants in metastatic lower and upper limb lesions, with prognosis and general conditions are poor.

Local treatment of bone metastases with adjuvants has been widely described in literature. The purpose of this review is to consider studies on antiblastic loaded acrylic cement as a treatment option for selected tumors.