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Effects of Personality Profiles and Profiles of IQ on Elite Athletes?¢???? Volleyball?¢????s Performance

Kambiz Kamkary , Payman Akbari and Shohreh Shokrzadeh

In this study the effects of personality profiles and profiles of IQ on elite athletes’ volleyball’s performance was considered and the main question was that if personality profiles and profiles of IQ could effect on volleyballs’ athletes performance? The method of this study was descriptive. Statistical society was elite volleyballs’ athletes. Sampling was done through enumeration. 3 different tools including renewed questionnaire of several personality Minnesota, Tehran intelligence rate, Stanford and behavioral list was used in order to collecting data. Finally, variable regression model show that there are positive significant relation between non-verbal intelligence and performance, as well as negative significant relation between verbal intelligence and performance. Therefore, with increasing non-verbal intelligence, the performance was increased, while with increasing verbal intelligence the performance was decreased. Also, there is no significant relation between personality and performance.