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Perspective - (2023) Volume 9, Issue 1

Novel Research Model Clinical Treatment of Alveolar Bone
Jorah Alexander*
Department of Dentistry, University of Texas, USA
*Correspondence: Jorah Alexander, Department of Dentistry, University of Texas, USA, Email:

Received: 02-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. IPPDPD-23-15893; Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. IPPDPD-23-15893 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Jan-2023, QC No. IPPDPD-23-15893; Revised: 23-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. IPPDPD-23-15893 (R); Published: 30-Jan-2023, DOI: 10.36648/2471.3082.23.09.001


Strong strands called Sharpey’s fibers connect the periodontal ligament, which is found in between the cementum of the tooth and the bone (alveolar bone) that anchors it. To maintain excellent health, the structure that holds the teeth in position must be sturdy. When a person has periodontal disease, also known as tooth loss, the buccal bone breaks. The alveolar bone, like the bones of other bodily sections, is continuously resorbed by osteoclasts and replaced by osteogenic cells. This shows that an old bone is constantly reabsorbed and replaced with a new bone. In periodontal diseases, the alveolar bone that surrounds the teeth is consumed, and as the illness intensifies, the alveolar bone gradually shrinks. Even after the gum disease is treated, the resorbed dental bone frequently does not regenerate. Gum covers the tooth surface to conform to the contour of the resorbed alveolar bone, showing more of the tooth surface than before, lengthening the appearance of the teeth, creating spaces between them, and occasionally making teeth sting. Before, the only way to cure periodontal diseases was to halt them from getting worse before the teeth were lost, and it was nearly difficult to get them back to the way they were.


However, a treatment approach that can aid in regenerating the tooth supporting tissues lost to periodontal diseases and restoring the teeth as much as possible to their initial healthy condition is presented. Implant therapy has recently evolved into a crucial dental treatment strategy and a significant replacement choice thanks to advancements in the implant material’s characteristics. The number of reasons for therapy has grown, and therapeutic methods and techniques, which are primarily based on experience, have steadily gathered empirical proof. The extension of indications has been significantly aided by the creation of bone augmentation techniques, which was made feasible by a number of materials science advancements..

It is anticipated that induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) technology will be used to address illnesses like teeth loss and periodontitis by regenerating periodontal tissues, including alveolar bone. This review discusses clinical practice, methods, and the most recent fundamental studies with an emphasis on the alveolar bone. The structures that support the teeth must be in good condition in order to keep healthy dentition. The alveolar bone is among these systems’ most crucial components. The buccal bone disintegrates as a result of periodontal disease, a well-known reason for teeth loss. Along with tooth caries, periodontal illnesses are regarded as two of the most prevalent conditions in dentistry.

Periodontal diseases are the primary cause of tooth loss, despite the fact that they are brought on by dental plaque or dental biofilm sticking to the area where the gingiva and teeth meet. Their incidence is still high globally. Periodontal diseases are defined by the persistent inflammatory and immune reactions brought on by tooth plaque that gradually destroy periodontal tissues. Recently, it has been firmly proposed that diabetes and other systemic illnesses may be closely linked to periodontal diseases. Recent advancements in technology, especially in the area of artificial intelligence, have resulted in significant advancements in the healthcare industry. They include everything from genetic classification and cancer to anatomical studies, the link between clinical and radiological results, and predictions of surgical outcomes.

Particularly, the so-called “image-based analysis” is presently the subject of intense research because it has the potential to significantly enhance the role of the human operator in the planning and reporting of radiological exams. Surgery, and the head and neck region in particular, depends on the protection of fine anatomical systems. We made the decision to concentrate our work on the segmentation of the inferior alveolar canal due to the significant number of surgical procedures done on the mandible every day. Only a few studies have been done thus far on the automated division of the inferior alveolar canal. Except for the most recent article only modest accuracy findings have been attained.


Furthermore, one of the main issues in contemporary radiography is the requirement to quickly and automatically gather correct data. The most recent fundamental study on the alveolar bone, which is crucial for sustaining tooth and periodontal tissues, and clinical practice, primarily surgical operations. The oral region is the body’s entryway and has a strong correlation with many illnesses. Similar to this, further explanation of the alveolar bone’s process will be provided. Regenerative therapies will be the cornerstone of treatment in the future as alveolar bone rehabilitation techniques, as detailed here, continue to advance yearly. Epidemiological studies are presently being conducted on the connections between mouth illnesses, oral bacteria, systemic diseases, and alveolar bone; therefore, it is imperative to understand the specific processes. A healthy oral habitat and alveolar bone can be acquired and maintained, and these actions will benefit general health in both direct and secondary ways.

Citation: Alexander J (2023) Novel Research Model Clinical Treatment of Alveolar Bone. Periodon Prosthodon. 09:001.

Copyright: © 2023 Alexander J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.