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Conference Report - (2017) Volume 3, Issue 1

Educating Children in Oral Disease Prevention with eBooks and Videos

Garth Pettit*

Director 4 Your Smile 2 Shine Pty Ltd., Campbelltown, Australia

*Corresponding Author:

Garth Pettit, BDS, GDM
Oral Health Care Educator
Director 4 Your Smile 2 Shine Pty Ltd.,
ABN 12 089 094 182 125
Montacute Road, Unit 64
Campbelltown, S.A. 5074, Australia
Tel: +61883651889

Received Date: February 24, 2017; Accepted Date: March 10, 2017; Published Date: March 17, 2017

Citation: Pettit G. Educating Children in Oral Disease Prevention with eBooks and Videos. Biomark J. 2017, 3:1. doi: 10.21767/2472-1646.100026

Copyright: © 2017 Pettit G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Educating children in oral disease prevention with ebooks and videos. Video presentation of Dr Garth Pettit at the 18th Asia-Pacific Dental and Oral Care Congress November 2016, 21-23, 2016 Melbourne Australia. First keynote forum speaker, Day 1 and Session Chair. Speaker: Dr Garth Pettit BDS GDM.


Educating children in oral disease prevention with ebooks and videos. Video presentation of Dr Garth Pettit at the 18th Asia-Pacific Dental and Oral Care Congress November 2016, 21-23, 2016 Melbourne Australia.

First keynote forum speaker, Day 1 and Session Chair.

Speaker: Dr Garth Pettit BDS GDM.


“Defining the Future Vision of Dental and Oral Health Care”

Please Consider My Vision and Advice to Eradicate Oral Diseases in Children.

Firstly, let me summarize the past visions of dental and oral health care:

“Brush Your Teeth” with a Chew stick, was advised by a Babylonian in 1400 B.C. “Brush Your Teeth” with a Tooth Brush, was advised by a Chinese Emperor in 1498 A.D. “Brush Your Teeth” with a toothbrush and tooth paste was advised by Dr. Julien Botot, a dentist, in 1755. So “Brush Your Teeth” with a tooth brush, has been advised by dentists since 1755 A.D. “Paint Your Mouth” with a mouth brush has been advised by Dr Garth Pettit, a dentist, since 1999 A.D.

Teaching oral disease prevention is now, after 21 years, in my bones. I sincerely pray that my endless enthusiasm will be absorbed by everyone who watches this video so that, we together, can change oral health for the better.

A little about Author

My name is Dr. Garth Pettit. I would like firstly I thank the Congress organisers for the invitation to attend and to be chosen as a keynote speaker and chairperson Day 1. I very much enjoyed your previous Congress in Brisbane 2015. It opened lots of doors! Secondly I ask forgiveness for not speaking but video-in instead. Why? Because I’m old and sometimes I stutter or forget when to stop! So, please enjoy my background music, lyrics and my melody by me!.

My 1996 mission: “Prevent Oral Diseases in Children”? I retired from general dental practice in 1991 soon after my 60th birthday. In July, 2006 my 3 years old granddaughter was diagnosed with mild tooth decay. Horrified and angry with myself, I decided to return to dental practice with this mission: “Prevent Oral Diseases in Children”.

A Recent award

Professional of the year 2015-2016 who’s who professional of the year 2015-2016 Dr Garth D. Pettit featured Global Expert of the Year Dentistry Australia (GEYDA) 2016 in Who’s Who Registry.

Video series presentation index

Introduction: 1-7

Presentation headings: 8-9

Why educate children in oral disease prevention: 10-21

How I became involved in preventing oral disease in children: 22-42

My currently available publications: 43-80

Book testimonials: 81-90

Patient testimonials: 91-97

Chapter headings in e-books and videos: 98-109

Current e-Book and Video publications: 108-117

Book reviews, websites and general information: 118-154

Why educate children in oral disease prevention? Here are some good reasons

“Down in the mouth” Doncaster’s child tooth decay problem revealed. 07:40 Tuesday 05 April 2016, Doncaster more than 800 doncaster children with rotting teeth needed last-ditch hospital treatment to have their decaying gnashers removed inside a year.” “Tooth decay disease most common reason for day surgery on children, calgary study finds rotting teeth is a public health issue affecting an increasing number of canadian children, according to a University of Calgary research paper” this is another good reason by John Gibson, CBC News Posted: Apr 08, 2016 2:31 PM MT

“Sheffield Children Have the Worst Dental Health in the Country” figures confirm Statistics from the NHS Health and Social Care Information Centre showed that 1,140 children aged between 0 and 10 years old had decayed teeth removed in hospital in 2014/2015. The worrying thing is that dental decay is a preventable.

Here’s another good reason. “Children's rotting teeth a 'crisis' as the NHS performs more than 100 removals every day. The cost of extractions has soared 61% since 2010/11 as experts blame excessive consumption of fizzy drinks and food high in added sugar” BY ANDREW GREGORYNews UK News NHS MIRROR 0:16, 15 APR 2016.

Here are my seven suggestions to eradicate oral diseases in children

Replacement of instruction “Brush Your Teeth” with “Paint Your Mouth”. Parents providing oral healthcare education at home. Governments and ministers for health and Education introducing oral health education into schools. Dentists, dental Hygienists, Dental therapists advising the O.H.I. “Paint Your Mouth” and promoting my oral health education resources.

University schools of dentistry teaching dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists “Paint Your Mouth”.

Australian research centre for population oral health (arcpoh) including in their multi 4 million $ promotions the oral hygiene instruction “Paint Your Mouth”. Also, my fellow congress participants supporting my recommendations.

Let’s eradicate oral diseases in children replacing “Brush Your Teeth” with the oral hygiene instruction “Paint Your Mouth”, “Clean your teeth” with a Chew Stick began in 1400 B.C. in Babylon. A Chinese emperor in 1498 A.D. advised “Brush your teeth”. “Paint Your Mouth” is a 21st Century oral hygiene instruction.

Eradicating oral diseases in children

Parents and schools providing oral healthcare education! In this presentation I show you details of e Books and videos, either published, or about to be published, that give children a comprehensive oral healthcare education.

Oral health education taught in schools

Teachers are children’s ideal teachers, including a comprehensive oral healthcare education. Teachers in schools can use the same resources for all age groups.

In fact one e-Book costing US $49.99 downloaded to one computer could be shared by all teachers in any school!.

Dentists, dental hygienists and dental therapists, patients take your oral hygiene instructions from you! Because I want you on my side, advising “Paint Your Mouth”, I offer each of you 50% affiliate commissions for recommending my oral healthcare education resources ( or

University Dental schools: You teach your students, dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists, to advise “Brush Your Teeth”. That instruction was created by a Chinese emperor, non-dentist, when he patented the first tooth brush made with bristles in 1498 A.D. Please replace it with the 21st century instruction “Paint Your Mouth”.

Australian research centre for Population oral health (arcpoh). article in the University of Adelaide’s “Research Impact Brochure”, 2011 Page 30 “Despite approximately $1 billion dollars annually being directed to children's dental services in Australia in the last decade, their oral health has actually worsened" (said Professor Spencer)”

Arcpoh, you have refused several attempts by me to discuss this dilema. Therefore I am making this public request: “21.11.2016: please approach, discuss this issue with Dr Garth pettit.

My fellow congress participants please support my recommendations

The oral hygiene instruction “Paint Your Mouth” should replace “Brush your teeth“.

“Paint Your Mouth” should be adopted by all dental professionals. Parents should, at home, teach their children the fundamentals of preventing common oral diseases. Schools should provide children with comprehensive oral healthcare education. University schools of dentistry should teach undergraduates “Paint Your Mouth”. Australian research centre for population oral health should promote the oral hygiene instruction “Paint Your mouth.”

How I became involved in Preventing Oral Disease in Children- I retired from general dental practice in 1991. 5 years later my granddaughter was diagnosed with mild tooth decay. Angry with myself for failing her I created this mission: “Prevent oral disease in children”. In January 1997 I became the district dental officer in Nhulunbuy, East Arnhem land, Northern Territory of Australia.

Wonderful! I said to myself!

The perfect place to do my research!

Working with schools!

Working with parents!

Working with teachers!

And best of all working with their children!

In 1999 the efforts of my Research were in draft book form, not far from printing. Early in 1999, I visited the remote aboriginal community of Numbulwar. This turned out to a ‘life changing’ experience. Early each year we visited all schools for DMFT surveys. But, for the 3rd consecutive year in this school, the 6-7 year old’s mouths recorded: No new decay lots of arrested decay and healthy mouths. I asked teachers “Please explain”. They replied: before lessons begin, we give our children a wholesome breakfast. “Admirable” I Said because I knew they don’t have breakfast at home. “But that does not explain their healthy mouths” I said “What else do you do” I asked and waited for their reply. “We have a tooth brush for each child, we squeeze toothpaste on their brush and tell them…Go outside to the veranda water troughs, Brush your teeth and rinse” (there was a long, silent pause) “And rinse and rinse your brush under the tap. Having had the experience of working with aboriginal patients from soon after graduating I knew that they take instructions literally. So the teacher’s first ‘rinse’ was meant to be “rinse your mouth”. But the words “Your mouth” were not mentioned! Hence each child was rinsing only their tooth brush, but not their mouths!

What is the reason for this astounding D.m.f.t. results for these kids? Their mouths were filled with the wonderful ingredients in tooth pastes that: Prevented tooth decay, prevented gum diseases, prevented bad breath, prevented stained teeth. I now had the solution to preventing oral diseases children. I subjected the instruction “Brush Your Teeth” to a SWOT analysis. Strength, weakness, opportunity, threat analysis.

It failed miserably! I then created the ideal oral hygiene instruction “treat your mouth” Just as a nurse treats a wound; cleans it then protects it. “Treat your mouth” was then incorporated into my first set of 10 printed books “Mouth wise oral healthcare manuals” .They were published in 2000-2002. In 2007 my O.H.I. was renamed “Treat Your Whole Mouth”. But when, in 2009, I asked a class room, “would you like me to show you how to paint your Mouth” The classroom erupted with very excited Yes! Yes! Yes!

That classroom of children can be thanked forever for their ecstasy.

“Paint Your Mouth”, the O. H. I. loved by children.

“Paint Your Mouth”, the O. H. I. accepted by children.

“Paint Your Mouth”, the O. H. I. adored by children.

“Paint Your Mouth” the ideal oral hygiene instruction.

“Paint Your Mouth” Will predictably help millions of children, and adults, worldwide to prevent oral diseases.

My currently available E-books

The following eBooks, available from either DR Garth Pettit or my website: is inexpensive, interactive oral health education resources.

My e-book resources are inexpensive and been reviewed. Oral 7 Hygiene Instructions “Paint Your Mouth”, just US $4.99. Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 1 of 12, Just US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 12 of 12 each Just US $4.99.

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 1 thru 12 each Just US $49.99.

Each have been 5 ***** star, professionally reviewed!

The video resources also are not expensive!

Videos are being created for each of the eBooks excepting for teaching oral disease prevention (1 to 12). Each video will be US $9.99 ideally: “Children can be educated with both eBook and video resources”, because e-books are interactive and videos are engaging. My current available publications. 1992 to 2016 sample 1 of 10 printed books, self-published in 2002, but now out-of-print.

My Currently Published Books Available from Amazon.

Sensational Smiles Simple Advice 4 Your Smile 2 Shine Sensational Smiles Simple Advice 4 Your Smile 2 Shine May 1, 2008 by Garth Pettit $9.97 USD.

Paperback US $12.95 2009 by Garth Pettit kindle Edition also available $8.54.

Stop the Rot: Stop Telling Children “Brush Your Teeth”.

My Currently Published eBooks Available from Amazon. Oral 7 Hygiene Instructions “Paint Your Mouth”. July 26, 2015 Available from website: or Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching oral disease prevention 1 of 12. Learn Why “Paint Your Mouth” is a Better Oral Hygiene Instruction than “Brush Your Teeth” Available from website: or Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 2 of 12. Learn the Lyrics of The Song “Mouth Painting I will go” sung to the lyrics Of “A Hunting I Will Go” Available from website: Or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99.

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 3 of 12.

Lesson 1 of 10. “What Are STIX. Y. ZED”? Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 4 of 12.

Lesson 2 of 10. “Who Are STIX. Y. ZED.” Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 5 of 12.

Lesson 3 of 10. “Where Are STIX. Y. ZED. in My Mouth”? Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 6 of 12.

Lesson 4 of 10. “STIX. Y. ZED. Plaque and Lurkeez” Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 7 of 12.

Lesson 5 of 10. “Lurkeez and Nasteez.” Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 8 of 12.

Lesson 6 of 10. “A Plaque Attack on Gums”Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 9 of 12.

Lesson 7 of 10. “A Plaque Attack on Teeth and Tongue” Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 10 of 12.

Lesson 8 of 10. “Harmful, Helpful and Harmless X.Y.Z.” Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US$4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 11 of 12.

Lesson 9 of 10. “How to Paint Your Mouth.” Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 12 of 12.

Lesson 10 of 10. “Some Farewell Fun and Another Song” Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $4.99

Mothers Teach Fetus All About A Smile

This eBook is a compilation of excerpts taken from the Teaching Oral Disease Prevention eBook series. It is saturated with colourful graphics and descriptions that mothers, during pregnancy, can say or sing or hum to their fetus. Her fetus retains that as memories and when born responds to them.

Available from website: or

Dr Garth Pettit US $5.99.

GARGAR the dentist toddlers activity books. Book a Meet GARGAR the dentists smileshine gang.

Available from website: or Dr Garth Petti US $2.99

GARGAR the Dentist Toddlers Activity Books. Book b

Your Mouth is Like a House available from website: or Dr Garth Pettit US $2.99.

Videos Currently Available from are the following titles:

Video 1: STOP Brushing Your Teeth. GO Paint Your Mouth.

Video 2: Learning Prevention of Oral Diseases. Learn Why “Paint Your Mouth” is Your Better Oral Hygiene Instruction than “Brush Your Teeth”.

Video 3: Learning Prevention of Oral Diseases. Learn the Lyrics of GARGAR The Dentist’s Song “Mouth Painting I Will Go”. Melody “A Hunting I Will Go”.

Video 4: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 1 of 10. “What Are Stix, Y. Zed?”

Video 5: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 2 of 10. “Who are Stix. Y. Zed?”

Video 6: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 3 of 10. Where is X. Y. Z. in My Mouth?

Video 7: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 4 of 10. X.Y.Z. Plaque and Lurkeez.

Video 8: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 5 of 10. Lurkeez and Nasteez.

Video 9: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 6 of 10. A Plaque Attack on Gums.

Video 10: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 7 of 10. A Plaque Attack on Teeth and Tongue.

Video 11: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 8 of 10. Harmful, Helpful, Harmless X.Y.Z.

Video 12: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 9 of 10. Learn How to Paint Your Mouth.

Video 13: Learning Oral Disease Prevention. Lesson 10 of 10. Some Farewell Fun.

Video 14: Mothers Teach Fetus All about a Smile.

Video 15: GARGAR the Dentist Toddlers Activity Books (Book a).

Video 16: GARGAR the Dentist Toddlers Activity Books (Book b).

Book Reviews and Testimonials

Each of my e-book publications have been professionally reviewed by these two well respected reviewers: Diane Donovan, senior e-book reviewer Midwest book reviews, has reviewed all e-books.

Cindy wolf Boynton of forward Reviews has reviewed one e-book. Their reviews are presented shortly. Patient’s testimonials as a government dentist I was not allowed to keep personal records of my research conducted during my working hours.

May 2010, Dental Patient Testimonials:

Judy Le Cornu, ex-dental assistant and visitor to The Northern Territory, Australia attended for emergency dental treatment on 24 May 2010. I also gave Judy my oral hygiene instructions “Paint Your Mouth”. Here are two emails I subsequently received from Judy.

21 June 2010:“I have accessed your website and am applying your advice regarding cleaning my whole mouth and leaving the toothpaste in my mouth after the second application. I would like to report to you that the almost total absence of plaque in my mouth is nothing short of amazing. I have struggled with this all of my life. I have passed on your advice and website to others and I thank you for taking the time to talk to me about this, regards, Judy Le Cornu.

27 June 2010: “My local dentist is an advocate of your oral hygiene methods and after discussing it with her last week she said she will be changing her advice slightly. Up until now she has been telling her patients to clean the whole mouth but in future will also advice.

A second brushing and retaining the toothpaste as you showed me. She also said it makes sense so I am spreading the word, regards, Judy Le Cornu. Current List of e-Books and Video Publications of the Author’s 86 books available from Amazon two are 2 Paperbacks and the remainder are eBooks. Check them here: Amazon Author Central Dr Garth Pettit: The eBooks in this series are each 5 star reviewed eBooks.

They are recommended for Parents, Schools, Teachers and Individuals. Also, because they are interactive, they are excellent back-up for this Video Series.

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 1 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 2 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 3 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 4 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 5 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 6 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 7 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 8 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 9 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 10 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 11 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 12 of 12;

Teaching Oral Disease Prevention: 1 thru 12 is available from for USD $49.99.

Which is almost USD $10 cheaper than purchasing these eBooks individually. The following title, combining all 12 books above, is twice reviewed: Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 1 thru 12, also available is mothers teach foetus all about a Smile. Recommended for mothers during or soon after a pregnancy and then very useful up until toddler age. Gar the dentist toddler’s activity books. Book a and GARGAR the dentist toddlers activity books. Book-b with many more to be written in this series ending with Book-z.

List of currently published videos

Video 1: STOP Brushing Your Teeth GO Paint Your Mouth.

Video 2: Learning Oral Disease Prevention: 1 of 12.

Video 3: Learning Oral Disease Prevention: 2 of 12.

Video 4: Learning Oral Disease Prevention: 3 of 12.

List of videos to be published

Video 5: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (4 of 12).

Video 6: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (5 of 12).

Video 7: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (6 of 12).

Video 8: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (7 of 12).

Video 9: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (8 of 12).

Video 10: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (9 of 12).

Video 11: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (10 of 12).

Video 12: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (11 of 12).

Video 13: Learning Oral Disease Prevention (12 of 12).

Video 14: Mothers Teach Foetus All about a Smile.

Video a: GARGAR The Dentist & His Smile Shine Gang with Toddlers.

Video b: GARGAR The Dentist & His Smile Shine Gang with Toddlers.

This video series is intended to continue with video c and to end with Video z.

Book reviews, websites, general information

Book Reviews: Please note: Books titled “How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth” were, in 2013, re-titled: “Teaching Oral Disease Prevention”. The ebook Mothers Teach Foetus All about a Smile, a Five Star reviewed book by Diane Donovan, Senior eBook Reviewer, Midwest Book Reviews:

The book series-How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth 1 of 12, 2 of 12, etc. up to 12 of 12 are each Five Star reviewed books by Diane Donovan, Senior eBook Reviewer, Midwest Book Reviews.

The title How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth? 1 thru 12 is also a Five Star reviewed book by Diane Donovan, Senior eBook reviewer, Midwest Book Reviews:

The title How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth? 1 thru 12 has also received a second Five Star review by Cindy Wolfe Boynton, Foreword Clarion Reviews: Cindy’s Review follows: 8 June 2012, ForeWord Clarion Review.

Health; How Do I Look After My Kids Teeth? 1 thru 12 Dr. Garth Pettit 4 Your Smile 2 Shine Pty. Ltd. 978-1-920712-16-7 five stars (out of five). Retired Australian dentist Garth Pettit, beloved and known to children throughout the world as “GARGAR the Dentist,” has combined his twelve short How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth? e-books into one comprehensive collection that both children and adults will enjoy and learn from.

Available as an Amazon Kindle e-book, How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth? 1 thru 12 succinctly illustrates through words and pictures Pettit's “Paint Your Mouth” approach to oral hygiene which, the author explains, kids find much more appealing than being told to “brush [their] teeth.” Adding to the fun is the fact that the book is narrated by Pettit’s alter ego, the smiling, animated GARGAR the Dentist. Along for the ride is a menagerie of kid-friendly helpers like Booksie Owl, Croc-O-Smile, Grinny Squirrel, and PadPaw the rabbit who, as members of the SmileShine Gang, offer oral health tips and reminders.

Original songs such as “Mouth Painting I Will Go” Sung to the tune of the familiar children’s song “A-Hunting We Will Go,” also effectively and cleverly disguise learning, as do the Treat Stamps kids can earn for correctly answering questions.

The book also includes drawings, quizzes, and other activities the SmileShine Gang encourages families to do together. Skilfully woven into these games is the comprehensive healthcare information every young person— and adult—needs to prevent oral problems like tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and stained teeth. Among other topics, readers learn within the book’s twelve chapters: the best food and drink options for better oral health; the types of bacteria that form in the mouth; what plaque is and how it forms; what causes bad breath and tooth decay; and the daily steps to the best oral hygiene.

Pettit states that he wrote the twelve How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth? e-books to reinforce the lessons kids were hopefully already receiving from their own dentists, schools, and parents. He also wanted to make good oral care something kids would want to do, while understanding why they need to do it.

Without a doubt, Pettit took the right approach. In addition to being written in a kid-friendly tone and including effective graphics, chapters are broken into short, readable sections that can be consumed all at once or bitten into one small chunk at a time. Sophisticated dental and medical information is presented in a simple, straight forward manner. At the end of each chapter, both parent and child can show off what they have learned with a printable “4 you’re Smile to shine” certificate of achievement from GARGAR the Dentist, which will look great on any refrigerator door.

How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth? 1 thru 12 is a wellwritten, effective, and valuable learning tool for adults and children alike. Cindy Wolfe Boynton since this book was awarded two Five Star Reviews and a Foreword Clarion Gold Star it has been greatly enhanced and retitled teaching Oral Disease Prevention 1 thru 12.

Reviews by D. Donovan: Summary of Reviews by D. Donovan for all thirteen how Do I Look After My Kids Teeth? eBooks.

Please note: This eBook has been re-titled and re-published in November 2013 with numerous enhancements under the title "Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 1 thru 12”.

A summary of 5 star reviews for the 13 “How Do I Look after My Kids Teeth?” eBooks by D. Donovan, Senior eBook Reviewer, MBR, is below. Links to all reviews are:,

“How, can parents look after their kids' teeth? Plenty of books discuss oral hygiene but most are aimed at adults, and there are very few picture books for young kids–which is where one should ideally begin with early preventative measures.”…

Oral 7 Hygiene: "Paint Your Mouth" is the first book in a series of 12, comes from a dentist who teaches children how to 'paint their mouths', and teaches a preventative program that is much better than just brushing teeth (In fact, this series shows how brushing teeth often actually leads to poor oral hygiene).

But their real power lies in the entire lesson plan taken as a whole. The step-by-step building blocks of oral health understanding are carefully constructed with the young child in mind, reinforced by activities and quizzes, and provide an entire, unique program unparalleled in scope and nature. Having the entire lesson plan available in other languages assures its interest to a wide audience around the world, making this entire set a powerful presentation.”…“Each chapter is packed with quizzes, drawing assignments, stamps, certificates of achievement: Virtually everything a parent or educator needs to engage a child.

Each chapter also emphasizes the child's power in avoiding tooth decay and bad dental problems.” “Any educator or parent seeking an oral health program directed to the young will find this entire set a winner, with translations in major foreign languages lending to world-wide usefulness.”

Author’s Websites; ; ;

Amazon Author Central Account:

General Information

Amazon Author Central Account:

Video speech at the “4th Asia Pacific Dental Congress & Expo, Brisbane, Qld. Australia, 27-28-29 July, 2015. Go to:

WorldWide Who’s Who, Professional Feature Member 2015–2016: Branding Radio interview: