Wijanarka, Jafron Wasiq Hidayat and Sarjana Parman
Mollusc is one of invertebrate animals groups that have not been studied and used in particular in the field of enzymatic process. One mollusc that has not been exploited for the production of lytic enzymes is in snail’s digestive tract golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata). Lytic enzymes can be used as a microbial cell wall-breaking agents (yeasts) that will produce protoplasts. Besides that, such enzyme plays an important role in protoplast isolation technique that will produce good and healthy protoplasts. Protoplasts derived from the yeast Pichia manshurica DUCC-Y15 were capable of producing the inulinase enzyme. The aims of this study are to use of the digestive tract of golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata) as lytic enzymes and to determine the amount of the released protoplasts at a concentration level of lytic enzymes different from the digestive tract golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata). Lytic enzyme concentrations used in this study were 75% (E3) and 100% (E4). The results showed that the digestive tract of golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata) can produce lytic enzymes. The higher the concentration of lytic enzymes in digestive tract of golden snail given, the higher the protoplasts were released. At a concentration of 75%, lytic enzyme (E3) liberated protoplasts as much as 6.7 x 1017 (33.4%) and at concentration 100% (E4) was 9.9 x 1017 (45%).