Fahiminezhad A., Mozafari S. A. A., Sabaghiyanrad L. and Esmaeili M. R.
The major aim of this study was to compare the effect of both traditional and integration method of teaching on the amount of learning Math & sport performance in male students of first grade in elementary schools. Also, physical fitness factors of the students were compared in two groups of students based on two methods. It was a semiexperimental Research which was conducted in city of Sabzevar during three months by participation of traditional and integration groups. Statistical population & sample were students who finished pre-schools in Sabzevar city at the end of academic year 2010-2011. Seventy three students agreed to take in IQ test. Among them, thirty ones who had close IQ score, were chosen and divided into two groups of traditional (15) & integration (15) randomly. Two teachers of first grade and physical education were selected for both groups. The traditional group was taught Math lesson, five sessions of forty five min & Physical education lesson two sessions of forty five min a week during twelve weeks while the lessons taught separately. Also, integration group were taught Math composed with physical activities during twelve weeks and "Math- physical education" seven sessions a week, each session duration forty five min. The data was analyzed using Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney tests, dependent & independent t tests. The results revealed that there was a meaningful difference between the amount of learning Math & Physical education in traditional & integration groups at the level α<0.05. The dependent t results revealed that there was a meaningful difference among the average of four physical fitness factors in traditional group's pre & posttests at the level α<0.05. Also, there was a meaningful difference between the integration group's four factors of physical fitness (Cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility, speed &balance) in both pre and post-tests at the level α<0.05. The independent t result show that there was a meaningful difference among four factors of physical fitness in both traditional and integration groups at the level α<0.05.