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The effect of coach�¢����s feedback behaviors on intrinsic motivation and satisfaction in elite athletes of Golestan province

Dadban Minoo, Bai Nasser and Hosseini Misagh

The purpose of this study was to examining the effect of coach’s feedback behaviors on intrinsic motivation and satisfaction in elite athletes of Golestan province. Athletes from 10 teams comprised basketball, volleyball, Karate & Kabaddi (N= 97 male + 58 female) completed coaching feedback questionnaire (CFQ) intrinsic motivation Inventory (IMI) and athlete satisfaction questionnaire (ASQ). Cronbach's alpha coefficient was utilized to examine the internal reliability of CFQ (r=0.75), IMI (r=0.81) and ASQ (r=0.79). Data were analyzed with one-sample kolmogrov-smirnov, repeated measures ANOVA, Bonfferoni post hoc test and Pearson correlation coefficient in significance level of P≤0.05. Comparison of coach’s feedback patterns demonstrated that there is significance differences between coach's feedback behaviors, and coaches exhibited higher in positive feedback and lower in negative feedback. Results showed that there is positive and significance relationship between coach’s positive feedbacks with athlete’s motivation, and negative and significance relationship was found between coach’s negative feedback with athlete’s motivation. Also, we found positive and significance relationship between coach’s positive, Informational and correctional feedbacks with athlete’s satisfaction. Finally, findings revealed there is no significance relationship between coach’s non-feedback patterns and athlete’s motivation and satisfaction. Overall, findings supported the relationship between coach’s feedback behaviors and athlete’s motivation and satisfaction.