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Studies on Terricolous mosses from Trimbakeshwar in Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India

Hile Vijay K., Dabhade G. T., Deshbhratar Shantaj M. and Raut Sonali R.

Trimbakeshwar is very rich and abundant in bryophytic vegetation. The present paper deals with eight terricolous mosses from five families, collected during various exploratory visits to different locations of area under studies. Funaria hygrometrica Hedw., Gymnostomiella vernicosa (Hook) Fleisch, Bryum coronatum Schwaegr, Bryum argenteum Hedw., Bartramidula roylei(Hook.)B. S. G., Hyophila involute (Hook.)Jaeg., semibarbula orientalis (Web.) Wijk & Marg., Fissidens splachnobryoides Broth. Are observed and reported for the first time from these areas under investigation.