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PIdentification and Ranking of Factors in Labor Productivity in TÃ?Æ?Ã?¼rkiyeiÃ?â?¦Ã?Ÿ BankasÃ?â??Ã?± Using AHP

Mostafa Bahrami, Seyhan Çil Koçyiğit and Hassan Karimpour

The goal of bank managers is to make optimal use of resources and human resource management is especially important in this process. The purpose of this research was to identify and rank the factors in labor productivity ofTürkiyeiÃ?â?¦Ã?ŸBankasÃ?â??Ã?± using the AHP technique. The population consisted of all the branches ofTürkiyeiÃ?â?¦Ã?ŸBankasÃ?â??Ã?± in Ankara (N = 127)in the first half of 2015. 16 banks were selected using cluster sampling. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.882. 4 employees were randomly selected from each bank to complete the questionnaire. Using the AHP technique in Expert Choice, the factors affecting labor productivity in sample banks were identified and ranked. Psychosocial, Individual, Management, Environmental, and Cultural factors were respectively the most important factors affecting labor productivity.