Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Open Access

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Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Antibiotic Resistance among Nurses at Services Hospital Lahore

Muhammad Ahmed Sohail

Antibiotic acts by attacking the pathogenic bacteria on different levels in the human body. These medicines prevent bacterial infection. Overuse or misuse of antibiotics increases the risk of the spread of resistant strains of bacteria. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in some way that eliminates the effects of drugs chemicals which are providing to cure or prevent infections.

Aim: This study will help nurses to increase the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding antibiotics.

Background: Examining the knowledge, attitude, and practice of the nurses regarding antibiotic resistance and usage can help us in commendable proper educational involvements for nurses.

Methods: This study is done on 105 tests of nurses out of 600 nurses by Colvin's strategy and is conducted by exploiting a cross-sectional method that incorporates a distinctive Likert scale rating

Results: Senior staff nurse and generic nurses have a good knowledge regarding antibiotic resistance as compared to diploma nurses.

Conclusions: Demoralization is considered to be further investigated for better understanding.

Keywords: Antibiotic resistance; knowledge; Attitude; Practice.