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Electrochemotherapy: an innovative therapy for Cancer Breast: A Case report of Cancer Breast with recurrence treated with a palliative intent.

Dr Ashok Mathew, Dr Subathra Muthukumar, Dr Mallika Tiruvadanant1 and S. Sasi Kumar, RN., M.Sc (N)., MBA (HM)

 Electrochemotherapy is a new method for the local treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous metastases. Permeabilization of the cell membrane by electric pulses allows chemotherapy drugs like bleomycin to enter into the cell, increasing the pos­sibility of cytotoxicity. Where other standard treatments are no longer possible, electrochemotherapy can be used effectively for local tumour control. Repeated use of electrochemotherapy has allowed for an increase in the rate of complete remissions. ECT is proposed, with a palliative intent, for skin and subcuta­neous tumours. We investigated ECT for the treatment with a palliative intent of a small recurrent cancer of the breast with lymph node involvement, after neoadjuvant radiotherapy, in a patient with severe comorbidities who underwent both major mastectomy surgery and even local lymph node excision.