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Comparative BER Performance of PSK based modulation Techniques under Multipath Fading

Vikas Chauhan, Manoj Arora and R. S. Chauhan

This project studies and identifies the PSK-based digital modulation scheme (BPSK, QPSK or GMSK) that gives the best BER performance in a multipath fading environment using computer simulation (MATLAB). Each PSK-based digital modulation are modeled and simulated under different channel conditions. Subsequently, a comparison study is carried out to obtain the BER performance for each PSK-based transmission scheme under 1-path and 4-path multipath fading conditions and to identify which modulation scheme gives best BER performance. The comparison study showed that BER for BPSK and QPSK are similar and they give the lowest BER under multipath fading. Nonetheless, GMSK’s BER is just slightly higher than that of BPSK and QPSK.