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Burnside and correlation analysis transition of body into postmenopausal vaginal bleeding analysis sonographic criteria in diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma study of less sunlight

Rahul Hajare

Postmenopausal vaginal bleeding has a sign that should not be Ultrasound imaging has become an effective diagnostic tool of gynecological practice throughout the years. Endometrial diagnosis typically involves invasive investigational approaches. Today, however, with the advent of high-resolution transvaginal ultrasound and Doppler ultrasonography (non-invasive diagnostic tool), has an alternative candidate to replace invasive approaches. But in order to obtain an efficient ultrasound report there has must be unified the terms to define ultrasound diagnosis uterine pathology, and to develop the prediction and diagnosis of endometrial pathology. This problem has solved by The International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) group. In the present study 120 patients with postmenopausal bleeding have included in the study