U.B. Deshmukh, M.B. Shende and O. S. Rathor
Objective: The purpose of this preliminary survey to document the cyanogenic plants of Euphorbiace family from Chandrapur district of Maharashtra.
Methods: Preliminary survey of cyanogenic plants of Euphorbiaceae family from Chandrapur District of Maharashtra carried out and total 22 plant species analyzed. The semi quantitative estimation of HCN was done by standard Sodium Picrate Paper Test.
Results: Out of 22 plant species tested, 19 plant species give positive for presence of HCN. Maximum amount of HCN 800 ppm tested in Tuber and Root of Manihot esculenta Crantz. Three plant species Euphorbia hirta L, Euphorbia milli Des. Moul, and Phyllanthus emblica L. shows negative test.
Conclusion: In present preliminary survey 19 cyanogenic plants of euphorbiaceae family documented from the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. Manihot esculenta Crantz.(Cassava) shows the maximum amount of HCN as compared with other Euphorbiaceae member. These cyanogenic plants now a days playing an important role in the cancer research. Cyanogenic plants protect itself from pest attack and herbivores.